Reading Guides

This page collects resources to help guide you through various pieces of Transformers fiction.

Energon Universe

The current ongoing Transformers comics series is published by Skybound, as part of their shared universe alongside G.I. Joe and Void Rivals. Here’s how it all fits together!

2005 IDW

Okay, this is probably the one you’re looking for, right? IDW Publishing’s first sprawling original continuity includes stories from dozens of authors, so is a little daunting—but this guide will help you navigate it.

2019 IDW

A guide to IDW’s rebooted comic line, a brand-new universe crafted by Brian Ruckley and a handful of other creators.


A guide to one of the earliest, most influential, and longest-running Transformers stories, and all the later stories that draw from it.


A guide to the strange stories released (or not) by the most infamous Transformers comic publisher ever.

Fun Publications

A guide to the heavily-connected multiverse-bending Timelines stories produced by the long-running official Transformers collectors’ club.

Movie Expanded Universe

A guide to the motley assortment of tie-in stories made for Michael Bay’s live-action movies.

Death’s Head

A guide to comics featuring Simon Furman’s breakout bounty hunter from his Marvel run.

IDW G.I. Joe

A guide to IDW’s rebooted line of G.I. Joe comics by Transformers writers Chuck Dixon and Mike Costa, later folded into the main IDW continuity with Revolution.

wadapan’s Transformers recommendations

A collection of straightforward-to-enjoy Transformers stories (official and unofficial) which wadapan particularly likes.